What an excellent question thank you for asking you beautiful person you! Gosh where to begin? I’ve been called many things over the years. ‘An artistic genius,’ ‘a true visionary,’ and ‘if Seth Rogen and Lewis Black had a baby.’ But perhaps it would be easiest if you just closed your eyes and tried to imagine the human version of the phrase ‘too smart for their own good.’ There I am!
I’m a born and raised New Yorker (BK baby!) and I’ve been performing since I was a little kid. At 10 years old I was using The Godfather as inspiration for my performance in the Hebrew School Purim Play. I played uncle mordecai and i received rave reviews.
i am a character actor tried and true. I've done musicals and straight plays, dramas and comedies. I've done educational theater, site specific productions, tours, premieres, workshops and so much more.
i'm also a huge film nerd. i love movies and moviemaking. i've worked on short films, features, tv shows, web series and, more recently, my own projects.
i just love being an actor. i can't remember ever wanting to be anything else. i love the process, i love the people, i love the experiences and, even though we've never met, i love you too.
hope to see you down the road...

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Zak Stevens Self Tape Reel

The Cheese Argument - That Mitchell and Webb Look (Self Tape)

Accepted Scene (Self Tape)

David Foster Wallace Monologue - Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (Self Tape)